First in my oh-so-exciting "Fits of Nostalgia" series
Some things I miss about Montreal, in no particular order:
I miss my friends.
I miss my gorgeous and cheap apartment on the Plateau.
I miss my roommate from my gorgeous and cheap apartment on the Plateau (best roommate ever).
I miss the hot (very straight) landlord who lived on the first floor of my gorgeous and cheap apartment on the Plateau.
I miss standing on my balcony and seeing Mt-Royal peeking up above the houses.
I miss my favourite sausage place on St-Laurent, and my empanada place on de Bullion, and my noodle place on Jean-Talon.
I miss le Marché Jean-Talon, and la Fromagerie Hamel.
I miss REAL poutine.
I miss the best video store ever.
I miss the really cute guy who worked at the best video store ever who thought I was cute but I ruined it by being in a happy long term, monogamous relationship; he wasn't interested after the relationship had broken up about a year later.
I miss flipping through fugues.
I miss drinking way too much at Parking, Sky, Sud Sud Est (which doesn't even exist anymore), Drugstore, Biftek, Laïka, etc. etc. etc.
I miss my Second Cup on Mt-Royal.
I miss being surrounded by people whose last names are Moreau, Tremblay, Boutin, L'Heureaux, Morin, Séguin, Boulay, Hamel, Lachance, Laporte, Girard, Gagnon, etc. etc. etc. and who think my last name, which sounds nothing like those, is kinda funny but also kinda cool.
I miss French.
I miss the Québécois and their four hundred years of tradition and history.
I miss language debates (really!).
I miss the woman at the buanderie who washed my clothes and and always gave me a little discount because she said my accent was so "charmant".
I miss going for days on end without speaking a word of English.
I miss happy, laughing Montrealers (as opposed to snobby, self-conscious Torontonians).
I miss being a little exotic to people when they realized my last name wasn't Moreau, Tremblay, Boutin etc. It was never too important...just a little different.
I miss walking and up and down the gorgeous streets of my spectacular neighbourhood, le Plateau, and being stimulated and relaxed at the same time by the beautiful buildings with their spiral staircases and by the trees and by all the parks that are spaced every few blocks or so.
I miss Montreal.
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