
March 26, 2004

I'm still feeling a little blah. It's been an odd week.

It's not all bad though. What I mean by that is that one of the advantages of unemployment is that when you feel blah, you don't have to put up with other people trying to cheer you up. We've all had (or still have) that relentlessly cheerful co-worker who has enlighted belief paradigms such as the conviction that Dr. Phil has keen insight into the human psyche and that HR personality tests that grill you on your favourite colour, for example, give an accurate picture of your work ethic. This person takes it upon themself to be the office morale officer, an irritating Neelix whose untimely demise I wished for in every episode, by reminding you about the world's evils outside your little mind and by forcing tofu cupcakes upon you with an elation that makes you want to roar like a dinosaur. But as usual, I digress. Unemployed Snobby can be grumpy to his heart's content and not make believe that today is a shiny happy day and that he's in a joyous and mirthful mood for the benefit of The Team.

I used to have a job where I could go into my office, close the door, not answer the phone, and evade the office spreader of merriment. Such a luxury...and I got my work done much better then when I had to deal with office politics and gossip all the time (especially since I was the boss so much of it was possibly about me!).

But office seclusion is a luxury to be used sparingly. I also spent a lot of time sitting in my colleagues offices yakking with them about what they thought of their job, where they thought it could be going better, what was good, and personal stuff too if they wanted to talk about that. So I guess they could forgive me when I occasionally made myself unavailable. And it's a source of pride for me that not one person quit while I was in charge. But I suppose that's really due to them and not so much to me: they were an excellent group of people to work with and I miss them all very much (should any of them happen to be reading this/s'il y en a parmi eux qui lisent ceci). It was a good place to work.

Not at all like my next job, which I credit with a fun-filled year of depression and anxiety that has made me into the snobby and unemployed ne'er-do-well I am today. It's always best to blame others for everything that goes wrong. You must never ever take responsibility for your own life whatsoever.

On the upside, I managed to slaughter and devour an entire adult stegosaurus this morning in the baby allosaurus game. I also mused on whether or not I should worry about the fact that I don't really seem to have much of a desire for a career anymore, and I decided I shouldn't worry. I should still get a job though. Anyone want me to write their blog for them? How about their letters of resignation? For cheap.

posted by GreyGuy on 26.3.04 | Permalink |

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